If you are new to watercolor,
have a budget,
don’t paint very often,
or are an actual minimalist.
If you want to invest
in higher quality materials,
have experience and want to level up,
paint very often,
or want to sell your work.
◗ Beginners Paint Pack : https://bit.ly/46x09AZ *
◗ Holbein Paint Pack : https://amzn.to/48Xpw0w
◗ Winsor & Newton Paint Pans : https://bit.ly/408jlTl *
◗ Beginner’s Princeton Brush Set : https://bit.ly/45CM7gb *
◗ Princeton Synthetic Sable Brush Set : https://bit.ly/3FlUQsf *
◗ Artist Grade Small Round Brush : https://bit.ly/48ZgDUo *
◗ Artist Grade Medium Round Brush : https://bit.ly/3Q3K5zE *
◗ Artist Grade Large Round Brush : https://bit.ly/3FnWwBA *
◗ Artist Grade Flat Brush 1 in. : https://bit.ly/3FnWKZs *
◗ Artist Grade Wash Brush : https://bit.ly/408hSwj *
◗ Canson Watercolor Pad : https://bit.ly/400HYRM *
◗ Fabriano Watercolor Sheets : https://bit.ly/3s5D6OG *
◗ Travel Paint Palette : https://bit.ly/3MtYg0f *
◗ Brush Cleaner : https://bit.ly/3FnWQjM *
◗ Custom Frames : https://www.frameusa.com/design-a-frame
Links with * are affiliate, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. It doesn't cost you anymore, and it's great because I was planning on sharing anyway! Thank you for the support!